UX Audit and Final Design - Academic CMS Mobile App

Project Overview

A comprehensive UX audit and redesign of an Academic Content Management System (CMS) mobile app aimed at improving user experience for students and faculty.

UX Audit Findings

  • Navigation and Hierarchy: Users struggled with the complex menu structure and unclear content hierarchy.

  • Accessibility: The app was not fully accessible to all users.

  • Design Consistency: The interface lacked a cohesive and uniform design.

  • Completeness: Some features were missing or incomplete.

  • Content Redundancy: There were redundant content and features that confused users.

Redesign Goals:

  • Simplify navigation and clarify content hierarchy.

  • Improve accessibility.

  • Ensure design consistency.

  • Ensure feature completeness.

  • Eliminate content redundancy.

Final Design Highlights:

  • Streamlined Navigation and Hierarchy: Simplified menu and clear content structure.

  • Improved Accessibility: Voice commands, larger text options, and high-contrast modes.

  • Consistent Design: Uniform colors, typography, and layouts.

  • Complete Features: Fully functional features that meet user needs.

  • Reduced Content Redundancy: Elimination of redundant content and features.

Key Features:

  • Dashboard: Quick access to essential features and notifications.

  • Course Management: User-friendly interface for managing courses and grades.

  • Communication Tools: Integrated messaging and discussion boards.

  • Resource Library: Intuitive search and filter options for academic resources.


The redesigned academic CMS mobile app offers a significantly improved user experience, combining functionality with consistent design, enhanced accessibility, complete features, and streamlined content.

More by Anna Ilyina

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