Crime Shield application

With all the scary stuff happening lately like shootings and sexual assaults that everyone's been talking about, there's this new documentary called "Victim/Suspect" where these young women shared their stories of struggling to prove they were assaulted and getting in trouble for giving wrong info to the cops. It got me really worried about safety, especially here in Chicago where I've been living as an immigrant for three years. So, I came up with this idea for an app that focuses on keeping people safe.I think it's important to remember that some people have a harder time in scary situations, like those with disabilities or who don't speak English well and might struggle to get help from the police. That's why I believe we need a solution that helps people back up their claims and get help quickly, especially when dealing with sexual assault, kidnappers, or armed people, all without having to talk. That's why I suggest creating an app that uses cool features from Apple devices.The app I have in mind would let users access their phone's camera and voice recording right away so they can capture important evidence in real time. And there would be a special feature that lets users call 911 instantly just by triple-clicking the side button, thanks to new Apple stuff made for situations like this.

@Alireza Haji ali asghar

You can refer to Behance for reading our observations and proceedings in this journey.

Alireza Hajialiasghar
I dream my design and I design my dream! 👋 ⤵

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