motmotan - Logistic Tracking Page


The tracking page on the Motmotan logistics dashboard is designed to provide full visibility into shipments. This page features a comprehensive Shipment List Table, along with shipment details that include a map for live tracking, shipment information, and shipment status. This feature allows users to monitor every stage of the shipment in real-time, ensuring efficiency and timeliness in the logistics process.


  • Fragmented Shipment Monitoring: Difficulty in accessing all shipment information on a single platform.

  • Inaccurate Live Tracking: Errors in real-time tracking of shipment locations.

  • Insufficient Shipment Information: Incomplete or inaccessible shipment information.

  • Delayed Shipment Status Updates: Delays in shipment status updates that can disrupt logistics operations.

  • Weak Data Integration: Difficulty in integrating data from various sources into a single dashboard.

How We Solve

  • Integrated Shipment List Table: Providing a Shipment List Table that includes all shipment information on an easily accessible platform.

  • Accurate Live Tracking: Using advanced GPS technology to ensure accurate real-time location tracking.

  • Comprehensive Shipment Details: Providing complete and detailed shipment information, including item descriptions, shipment routes, and estimated arrival times.

  • Real-Time Shipment Status Updates: Ensuring shipment status updates are made in real-time through automatic notifications.

  • Strong Data Integration: Implementing data integration solutions that enable the collection and presentation of data from various sources on a single dashboard.

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