Souvenir for the Museum of Broken Relationships

Sector: Culture

My Role: Graphic Designer

Project Duration: Several weeks

This project was initiated as part of a competition announced by the Croatian Designers Association (HDD) for the creation of a new souvenir for the Museum of Broken Relationships.

The challenge was to design a small, compact souvenir that would fit into visitors' luggage, convey a sense of humor about relationships and breakups, and align with the museum's brand guidelines, without resembling existing souvenirs (contestants were not given access to current souvenir designs).

After brainstorming and sketching, we conceived the idea of a condom with a message as a souvenir. This playful, humorously worded, compact item is perfect for visitors with limited luggage space. Although I worked independently on this project, I closely collaborated with two other graphic designers who were working on their own ideas, as we submitted our entries as a team.


The “condom with a message” consists of two parts: a condom in plastic packaging and a cardboard box with the inscriptions “dickhead” and “FUCKed”. These phrases playfully use English words to humorously and metaphorically connect the function of the condom with aspects of romantic relationship breakups. Thanks to its small size, this souvenir is ideal for any travel bag or suitcase.

This unique concept not only offers a humorous approach to the sensitive topic of relationship breakups but also provides an opportunity for reflection on the importance of communication and protection in romantic relationships. This makes it a perfect choice for a souvenir in the Museum of Broken Relationships, reminding visitors of the importance of laughter and self-confidence even in challenging situations of love and loss.

Style Guides:

After brainstorming, sketching, and conceptualizing, I moved on to designing the prototype for the condom and its packaging. I chose purple, the brand color of the Museum of Broken Relationships, paired with the sans-serif font Golos Text in bold. This combination ensured brand recognition while maintaining a simple design that emphasizes the wordplay.

Packaging Design and Prototype Creation:

With colors and fonts defined, I created the packaging design, consisting of plastic wrapping for the condom and a cardboard box. I made two versions of the packaging with different inscriptions.

The next steps involved preparing the design for print, printing the packaging, creating the souvenir prototype, and writing the documentation for the competition submission.


Although I did not win the competition, the design still holds significant value. The final product, a humorously designed condom souvenir, effectively captures the essence of the Museum of Broken Relationships.

The design itself is visually engaging and perfectly aligns with the museum's brand. Despite not winning, it remains a valuable contribution, demonstrating my ability to balance humor, functionality, and brand alignment in a compact souvenir design. This project reinforced my understanding of the design process and the importance of collaboration and effective communication in achieving successful outcomes.

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