BlockWallet | Case Study

Blockwallet challenged us to come up with a full branding and product design overhaul, aiming for a distinctive and bold style that truly represented their brand identity.

We're proud to say we delivered tailored solutions for each aspect of the project. The list goes on, but a few main deliverables we created includes: 

  • Brand Strategy & Character development

  • Brand Visual Identity

  • Product Design

  • Web Design

  • Front-end Development

  • Headless CMS Integration


BlockWallet is a groundbreaking company focused on revolutionizing privacy in the blockchain world. Their product is the first-ever browser extension that offers users an untraceable identity. It's a self-custodial Web3 digital wallet prioritizing security and privacy - essential values in the cryptocurrency domain.

Our initial work in crafting a persuasive pitch deck helped BlockWallet secure vital funding. This financial boost enabled us to design a wallet interface that's both intuitive and praised for its user-friendly experience. As the wallet gained traction, the need for differentiation in the competitive web3 market became clear.

We rose to the occasion by developing a distinctive brand identity that highlighted BlockWallet's dedication to user empowerment.

Our approach focused on design elements that not only looked good but also delivered a strong message of privacy and security. The website design reflects these strengths, offering a seamless blend of bold aesthetics and user-friendly functionality.

We're dedicated to maintaining the highest quality standards, ensuring our designs truly reflect our clients' identities. We look forward to strengthening our partnership with the clients and exploring new opportunities together.

Blockwallet website:


We build brands & digital products for lasting success. With Flair.

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Building brands & digital Products for lasting Success

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