Thirty-Four Felonies Prison Hooch

With just one crime you become a criminal, but with 34 felony counts you become a King-Pin Legend. If you are legendary, Thirty-Four Felonies Prison Hooch is the liqueur made for you. Made with only the finest Floridian Oranges, and delegates to attest, this is the finest Prison Hooch ever made. Originating from a Totally original recipe dating back 77 years, this libation has class and micro-level fecal matter that only adds to the complex flavors.

Thirty-Four Felonies Prison Hooch was also awarded the First Prize for the First Annual Golden Toilet Award sponsored by Foxi News. This is in honor of the precision distilling process, that may or may not have been brewed in an actual Golden Toilet. Another special thanks to the lawyers who made this award possible today.

Thirty-Four Felonies Prison Hooch was inspired by a politician's objection to a court ruling, and oddly enough, a way to design something completely outrageous. This is also a great example of how good art and creativity can make anything sell.


One of the most common fruits in the prison system is oranges, because of that statistic the orange become the dominant color and subject matter. Additionally, the verdict was delivered in New York, so it was only fitting to use a Guard Tower image from The Sing Sing Correctional facility in New York as another element.e...

Thirty-Four Felonies Prison Hooch was inspired by a politician's objection to a court ruling, and oddly enough, a way to design something completely outrageous. This is also a great example of how good art and creativity can make anything sell.


One of the most common fruits in the prison system is oranges, because of that statistic the orange become the dominant color and subject matter. Additionally, the verdict was delivered in New York, so it was only fitting to use a Guard Tower image from The Sing Sing Correctional facility in New York as another element.

Full color and one color logos

My original sketch had three oranges, but after looking at the aesthetics, only two oranges would work for this design.

The only additions to the guard tower from the sketch was adding the wire and clouds.

Original sketches for the illustrations.

More by Jared Rogers Designs

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