Manifestly Social Media Designs Test

Objective: The objective was to create visually appealing and modern designs that align with Manifestly's brand identity and resonate with the target audience. The designs needed to be captivating, modern, and reflect the brand's core values of spirituality, growth, and inner peace.

Design Choices:

  1. Consistency with Brand Identity:

    • Manifestly's Identity: The brand is described as dreamy, mystical, aesthetic, and fun. To reflect this, elements that evoke a sense of magic and wonder were incorporated, such as glowing effects, iridescent colors, and abstract geometric shapes.

    • Target Audience: The primary audience is 18-35, unisex, and interested in spirituality and personal growth. The chosen styles appeal to a modern and digitally-savvy demographic.

  2. Use of Colors:

    • Iridescent Style: This style reflects a sense of magic and wonder, aligning with the brand's mystical and dreamy identity. The iridescent colors provide a visually striking effect that captures attention.

    • Color Palette: The colors #ADEAF7, #DE7AF3, #764AF5, #030303, and #EAEAEA were used to ensure consistency with the brand's color scheme, providing a cohesive and recognizable look.

  3. Incorporation of 3D Elements:

    • Modern Appeal: 3D elements and gradients were used to create depth and a modern aesthetic. These elements help the designs stand out in a crowded digital landscape and convey a sense of sophistication.

    • Visual Interest: The use of 3D shapes like spheres, cubes, and rings adds visual interest and dynamism to the designs, making them more engaging for viewers.

  4. Typography:

    • Fonts Used:

      • Georgia: Used for the "Journey to Inner Peace" post. This font provides a classic and elegant feel, suitable for conveying a sense of calm and serenity.

      • Poppins: Used for the "Elevate Your Mind," "Experience the Magic of Manifestation," and "Elevate Your Happiness" posts. This font is modern, clean, and highly readable, fitting well with the contemporary design style.

  5. Logo Design:

    • Glowing Effects and Abstract Shapes: The logos feature glowing star-shaped elements and abstract geometric designs to symbolize inner light and spiritual growth. This aligns with the brand's focus on personal development and enlightenment.

    • Soft Gradient Backgrounds: The backgrounds transition from light blue to deeper shades, providing a calming and serene visual that aligns with the brand's aim to promote inner peace and tranquility.

Journey to Inner Peace (Georgia Font):

  • Visuals: Mystical mountain scene with a starry sky to evoke a sense of spiritual journey and inner peace.

  • Typography: Georgia font used for a classic and serene look.

Elevate Your Happiness (Poppins Font):

  • Visuals: Floating bubbles in soft pastel colors to convey joy and lightness.

  • Typography: Poppins font for a contemporary and uplifting feel.

Experience the Magic of Manifestation (Poppins Font):

  • Visuals: Minimalistic 3D elements and soft gradients to create a magical and sophisticated atmosphere.

  • Typography: Poppins font to maintain a modern and clean aesthetic.

Elevate Your Mind (Poppins Font):

  • Visuals: Abstract lotus flower to symbolize spiritual growth and enlightenment.

  • Typography: Poppins font for a clean, modern look.


The chosen design direction aimed to create a harmonious blend of modern aesthetics, captivating visuals, and brand consistency. By incorporating iridescent colors, 3D elements, and elegant typography, the designs effectively communicate Manifestly’s brand identity and appeal to the target audience.

Posted on Jun 14, 2024