Mobile App | iNSIGHT

Hello, everyone! 🤩

Today we would like to introduce the user flow of a booking meeting with an interpreter. 📢

When a user with hearing and speech impairment navigates to an interpreter's profile, they are presented with a comprehensive overview of the interpreter's credentials. This profile includes the pricing, years of experience, areas of expertise, and other relevant qualifications. Additionally, this screen provides the functionality to initiate contact with the interpreter by requesting a meeting or writing a message directly from the profile page. 📱

Upon sending a message, the user is directed to an open messaging interface with the interpreter. This chat-like environment allows for seamless communication, enabling users to ask questions, discuss, and clarify details in real-time. Within this messaging screen, users have the option to click on the interpreter's photo, which redirects them back to the detailed profile page for further review or verification of the qualifications. 👍

The scheduling process is straightforward and convenient. The user can select a preferred time and date for the meeting, and then "Send request". ✅

After submitting the request, a confirmation modal appears, notifying the user of the successful submission. This modal is an assurance that the meeting request has been sent, providing peace of mind and a clear indication of the next steps in the communication process. 🤝

More by Stfalcon. UI UX Design Company

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