We Belong to the Earth

Something I firmly believe in: humans are among nature.

We play an essential role in the ecosystems we’re part of to keep the natural order of things progressing.

But, as we’ve seen for far too long, we’ve come quite a way from simply coexisting amongst our natural world on this beautiful floating rock we live on. We’ve distanced ourselves so far from our natural state of being that we’ve created a harmful duality of humans VERSUS nature instead of maintaining a unified relationship where humans are AMONG nature.

Humans feel entitled to do whatever they want with the land they live on, the natural resources that surround them, and the animals that traverse amongst them. We take and take some more, depleting the life-giving sources around us without replenishing.

Mother Earth is relentless and will fight back, as we’ve been seeing a lot of lately with record-breaking temps and weather events across the world. There’s only a certain amount of destruction to be had before Mama’s like - enough is enough!

We’re headed straight for a forced reboot and I’m not sure about y’all but I’d love to not go out that way.


For the population of humans that do their best to peacefully coexist with the natural world around them — thank you.

We’re the ones sacrificing our conveniences for the greater good so the generations of tomorrow can survive.

We take from the earth too but pay our respect and show gratitude for what the earth offers.

Our relationship with the earth is about harmony.

It’s about living along side of, not trampling on top of.

There’s a major [regenerative] difference there.


At the end of the day, Mother Nature will always win and I’d rather do my part to help her thrive than be part of her demise.


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