BuyMore: E-commerce App Design

BuyMore: A Seamless E-commerce Experience

For my UI/UX portfolio, I designed BuyMore in 2021, a mobile-first e-commerce app that simplifies online shopping. The app's intuitive interface and streamlined navigation enable users to quickly find and purchase products from a vast selection of categories.

Key features:

  • Product Grid: A responsive grid layout allows users to browse and compare products with ease.

  • Filter and Sorting: Intuitive filters and sorting options enable users to quickly find specific products.

  • Product Details: A detailed product page showcases key information, customer reviews, and high-quality images.

  • Cart and Checkout: A seamless checkout process with a secure payment gateway and easy order tracking.

Design decisions:

  • Minimalist Design: A clean and minimalist design aesthetic creates a sense of simplicity and ease of use.

  • Color Scheme: A bold and vibrant color scheme draws attention to key features and calls-to-action.

  • Typography: A clear and readable typography system ensures easy navigation and comprehension.

By designing BuyMore, I aimed to create an e-commerce app that is both visually appealing and user-friendly, providing an exceptional shopping experience for customers.

More by Maryjane Chideraa

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