Moscow Ecological Award

Total rework

To enhance the website of the Moscow Government's Environmental Awards, extensive work was carried out on its redesign. The updates affected all aspects of the site, from appearance to functionality and structure, aiming to improve user convenience and interaction efficiency for all categories of users, including participants, jury members, and visitors. Below is a detailed description of the work performed.

1. Design and Interface

Current State Analysis:

- An analysis of the current state of the website was conducted to identify the main issues and inconveniences faced by users.

- Feedback and suggestions were collected from users to take into account their needs and preferences.

New Design Development:

- A new modern and intuitive design was created, meeting current trends and web design standards.

- A color scheme and typography were developed to emphasize the environmental theme and create a pleasant visual impression.


- Interfaces for all pages of the site were redesigned, focusing on ease of navigation and information accessibility.

2. Participant Dashboard

Functional Enhancements:

  • The participant dashboard was completely redesigned to improve the user experience.

  • New features were added for managing contest participation, submitting applications, and tracking their status.

  • Notifications and reminders about key contest stages and document submission deadlines were implemented.


  • The structure of the participant dashboard was optimized for quick access to important information.

  • The registration and authorization process was improved, with integration with social networks and other services to simplify login.

3. Jury Dashboard

Functional Enhancements:

  • The jury dashboard was enhanced for convenient application evaluation and interaction with participants.

  • A system of automatic distribution of applications among jury members was added.

  • The ability to leave comments and rate directly in the dashboard interface was implemented.


  • A feedback system for the jury was developed, allowing members to share opinions and suggestions for improving the evaluation process.

4. Website Structure

Analysis and Optimization:

  • The existing site structure was analyzed to identify redundant and inefficient sections.

  • A new structure was developed to ensure logical and intuitive placement of information.

Content and Navigation:

  • The main sections of the site were redesigned, and new pages with up-to-date information about contests, jury, and participants were added.

  • Navigation was optimized, with dropdown menus and filters added for quick access to necessary information.

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Posted on Jun 4, 2024

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