Bright Idea Agency Hire Talent & User Selection Page Design

Hello everyone!

I completed #UIX101 mission #064 🎉

The topic of this task was User Type Selection. UI/UX Designers, Software Developers and Digital Marketers can work as freelancers within an agency called Bright Idea Agency. A user looking for a UI/UX designer who knows Figma and Illustrator for 5-10 years visits this website. By clicking "Hire Freelancer" from the menu at the top, user goes to the page where he can search for freelancers. Here, he can find a freelancer with the features he is looking for by using the filtering feature. If he is looking for someone he has worked with before or if he comes upon a recommendation and searches for the freelancer's name, he can use the search bar.

In the freelancer cards, the user can see the freelancer's name and surname, the job he/she has done, how many years of experience he/she has and the applications he/she has mastered. To learn more details about the Freelancer and reach him, all he has to do is click on the card.

I mostly used tones close to white in the design because it evokes cleanliness and minimalism. On the other hand, I wanted to make freelancers more eye-catching.

It was a design that I aimed to quickly reach the person to collaborate with. Feel free to share your feedback in the comments or via message ⭐️

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