Chef AI - MVP

A smartphone displaying the Chef AI app with recipe categories, a search bar, and recipe listings.

Chef AI - Your Personalized Recipe Generator!

I've recently designed a captivating mobile app called Chef AI. Users can select their favorite ingredients and the type of cuisine they desire. The AI then generates delicious recipes based on their preferences.

Not only does it provide a detailed recipe description, including ingredient quantities and step-by-step instructions, but it also generates a mouth-watering food image (DALL·E API integration)

3 smartphone screens display the Chef AI onboarding process: welcome screen, sign-up form, and login

These 3 screens are for onboarding. When users open the app, they'll be guided through these screens and can easily sign up or log in from here.

This is where the magic happens. When a user wants to create a new recipe, they start by selecting their preferred ingredients (Step 1).

Next, fill in additional details such as Food Type, Cuisine, and Duration (Step 2).

The AI then takes over, generating a complete recipe that includes a description, ingredient quantities, and step-by-step instructions to create the perfect dish.

More by Afnan Mishu

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