Home Monitoring Dashboard

The Challenge

Day 021 of the 30-Day UI Challenge! The challenge was to create a Home Monitoring Dashboard. I spent about 1.5 hours (?) on this.

What I Completed

I made the Home Monitoring Dashboard into a product someone could place on their wall, and called it guardAIn, with the AI capitalized to indicate that it used AI technology.

My first object was to lay out everything I would want on a Home Monitoring Dashboard and list out what the feature involved. My next objective was to put in columns and grids to figure out how big each widget would be. I used an 8pt grid system to make it easy.

One of the biggest features I would love is to be able to tell who is home or not! You can see above, the people are ordered by who came home last.


I had lots of fun with this! I think it would be really easy to make a phone or desktop app for this as well.


Photo of William by Freepik

Photo of Chloe, Sarah and Kace by wayhomestudio on Freepik

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