College Debt Services Website Redesign


I undertook a comprehensive website redesign for College Debt Services, specializing in student debt relief. The primary goal was to transform their existing site, which was overloaded with information, into a user-friendly platform that facilitates quick comprehension of critical information.


  • Site Analysis & Strategy: Conducted a thorough analysis of the existing site structure and user feedback. Developed a strategy to simplify content presentation and enhance user experience.

  • Design Approach: Adopted a minimalist design approach, focusing on clean layouts and intuitive navigation to improve readability and user engagement.

  • Data Capture Integration: Strategically inserted multiple data capture points throughout the website to facilitate lead generation and client contact.

  • Appointment Setting Features: Integrated user-friendly elements for appointment scheduling and consultation requests, improving accessibility and client engagement.

  • Responsive Design: Ensured the website is fully responsive across devices, providing a seamless experience for users accessing the site on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

  • SEO Optimization: Implemented SEO best practices to enhance visibility and organic search rankings, ensuring the site effectively reaches its target audience.


  • Improved User Experience: The redesigned website offers streamlined information, allowing users to quickly navigate and understand the services offered.

  • Increased Lead Generation: Enhanced data capture mechanisms contributed to a higher volume of leads and appointment requests from interested clients.

  • Positive Client Feedback: Received positive feedback from College Debt Services, noting the website's effectiveness in communicating their services and converting visitors into clients.

Tools Used:

  • Figma

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustator


This project demonstrates my ability to transform complex websites into intuitive, user-centric platforms that effectively communicate key messages and drive user engagement. By optimizing the College Debt Services website for readability, data capture, and appointment setting, I contributed to improving their online presence and client conversion rates.

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