The International School of Texas - Brand Refresh


From the Introduction to the Brand Guidelines that wrapped up the branding journey I led for The International School of Texas in 2023-2024.

"In celebration of our milestone tenth anniversary, the International School of Texas embarked on a momentous journey to reflect on our brand's evolution and redefine our identity for the future. Recognizing the significance of this occasion, we brought together a diverse team of seasoned designers alongside key stakeholders from within the IST community.

This collaborative effort aimed to delve deep into IST's brand journey, tracing its path from inception to the present day. Through open dialogue, shared insights, and collective brainstorming sessions, we explored the essence of what makes IST unique and how our brand has evolved over the past decade. We celebrated our achievements, acknowledged our challenges, and envisioned our aspirations for the future.

With a keen focus on aligning our brand elements with the IST of today and its aspirations for the future, our discussions were guided by a shared commitment to excellence, innovation, and inclusivity. We examined every aspect of our brand identity, from our visual aesthetics to our messaging and communication strategies, ensuring that they authentically reflect the spirit and values of our institution.

Drawing inspiration from our rich history, diverse community, and global perspective, our team of designers labored to refresh our brand elements with a modern, forward-thinking approach. From refining our logo and color palette to updating our typography and imagery, every decision was made with careful consideration for how it would resonate with our audience and convey our brand essence.

The result of this collaborative effort is a revitalized brand identity that captures the essence of who we are today and who we want to become. It embodies our commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience, fostering a culture of innovation and excellence, and preparing students to thrive in an ever-changing world.

As we unveil our new brand identity to the world, we do so with a sense of pride, excitement, and anticipation for the journey ahead. We invite our community to join us in embracing this new chapter in the International School of Texas's story and to continue shaping the future of education together."


The client wanted a refresh, but they wanted to reference their history. After a lengthy workshop and a lot of follow-up discussion, they decided to keep the oak tree, which is just as much a symbol of Austin to Austinites as longhorns.

We went through over 100 sketches to land on this modern abstract oak tree.

We produced variations and lockups to include in their new brand locker.


In the fall of 2024, IST is finally opening their high school. For the first time, they've had to think about formal athletics programs. The school has always been the Trailblazers, but they wanted to incorporate an animal into the branding. They decided on Texas' biggest feline, the mountain lion. For the younger students, we created a more kid-friendly version for their use.


Once we had the brand components locked down, then it was time to deploy them.

Jon Racinskas
I'm a Creative Director & brand nerd. Enjoy my portfolio.

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