404 Error Page Design | #dailyUI |

Hey Dribbble community!

Excited to share my Day 08 task: A creative and whimsical 404 error page, designed in Figma! This project features an astronaut illustration with a galaxy background, creating a fun and engaging experience for users who get lost on the website.

What I Created:

  • 404 Error Page

    • Astronaut Illustration: Designed a unique astronaut illustration that falls and vanishes into the galaxy.

    • Dynamic Text: The message "Oops, you have lost in the space" appears, adding a playful touch to the error page.

Tools Used:

  • Figma: For designing and prototyping

Key Features:

  • Creative Concept: The astronaut falling and vanishing into the galaxy makes the 404 page visually engaging and memorable.

  • Immersive Design: The galaxy background enhances the theme and provides a captivating visual experience.

  • User-Friendly Message: The playful text message helps to lighten the frustration of encountering a 404 error, guiding users back to the main content.

#404PageDesign #UIDesign #UXDesign #Figma #Illustration #DailyChallenge #DesignJourney

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