Harbor Heaven Realty Website Preview

Project Overview:

We are thrilled to present the newly developed website for Harbor Heaven Realty, a premier real estate agency dedicated to helping individuals and families find their dream homes. Catering to a diverse audience, Harbor Heaven Realty offers a wide range of services including residential sales, property rentals, and real estate investment opportunities.


The main goal of this project was to enhance Harbor Heaven Realty's online presence, making it easier for potential clients to find, explore, and inquire about available properties, ultimately driving increased leads and conversions.

Home Page Preview

A comprehensive overview of Harbor Heaven Realty's services, featured listings, and an engaging introduction to the brand.

Home Page Full Preview of a Website for a Real Estate Agency

Design and Development:

  • User-Friendly Interface: The website features an intuitive design that simplifies navigation and enhances user experience, allowing visitors to effortlessly search for properties.

  • Advanced Property Search: Integrated with a powerful search functionality, users can filter properties based on location, price range, property type, and other key criteria.

  • Modern Visuals: The design employs a clean, modern aesthetic with a soothing color palette that reflects the tranquility and comfort of finding a new home.

Properties Page Preview

A detailed listing of available properties with filtering options to help users find their ideal home.

Properties Page Preview of a Website for a Real Estate Agency

Sample Property Page Preview

An in-depth look at an individual property, complete with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and key features.

A Sample Property Page Preview for a Real Estate Agency

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