Animated Presentation.

Animation use case: Presentations.

You’ve been rehearsing all week, going over it in your sleep.

But today’s the day.

You’re up on stage, with nothing but a microphone and your sparkling animated presentation. 

You start talking and the presentation comes alive. The audience falls silent and slowly darkens as people look up from their phones. Everyone is fixed on your presentation.

Out of the corner of your eye you notice the next speaker standing off stage. Shaking with nerves, muttering “how the hell am I supposed to compete with that, it’s all anyone will remember from the whole event.” 

You finish the presentation with a standing ovation, and crowd surf your way out of the room to a bar full of free drinks and a crowd of people throwing money at you.

Okay, maybe you just walk off stage with your head held high, but still, you can dream.

More by Ben Newton | Anico Animation Studio

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