Doulas website design

What challenges did the website for need to address?

  1. Introduce the target audience (pregnant women and young mothers) and doulas, tell how their help can significantly facilitate the process of childbirth and the life of a young mother in the very first months of her new condition. A detailed story about each of the doulas has and increases confidence in them.

  2. The site should provide information about doula services (assistance during childbirth, breastfeeding consultations, hypnobirthing, etc.), as well as information about online classes and offline meetings, and provide the opportunity to sign up for them

  3. Provides useful information about pregnancy and motherhood

Special conditions and requests

Since the doulas already had an Instagram profile designed in certain colors and fonts, they wanted to keep the site in the same color scheme. Another of the doulas, Yulia, draws mandalas herself and asked to use them in the design of the website too.

Thanks for your time!

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