Visual GPT: AI-Driven Data Visualization

As a UI/UX designer, I crafted Visual GPT, an intelligent dashboard that enables users to upload data and receive AI-generated visual insights in the form of graphs and tables. Here’s a detailed look at the design process and key components of this innovative project.

Design Process

User Research:

  • Conducted surveys and interviews using Google Forms and Zoom to understand the needs and preferences of data analysts, business users, and decision-makers.

  • Analyzed user behavior with tools like Hotjar and Google Analytics to identify key pain points and opportunities for improvement.

Persona Development:

  • Conducted surveys and interviews using Google Forms and Zoom to understand the needs and preferences of data analysts, business users, and decision-makers.

  • Analyzed user behavior with tools like Hotjar and Google Analytics to identify key pain points and opportunities for improvement.

Wireframing & Prototyping:

  • Developed wireframes using Figma to outline the structure and layout of the dashboard.

  • Built interactive prototypes in Adobe XD to test user flows, gather feedback, and iterate on the design.

AI Integration:

  • Collaborated with developers to integrate AI capabilities for data analysis and visualization.

  • Ensured the AI can process uploaded data, analyze it, and generate relevant visual insights in real-time.

Visual Design:

  • Designed a clean, modern interface with an emphasis on readability and ease of use.

  • Selected a color palette and typography that enhance data visualization and ensure a cohesive visual experience.

AI Integration:

  • Collaborated with developers to integrate AI capabilities for data analysis and visualization.

  • Ensured the AI can process uploaded data, analyze it, and generate relevant visual insights in real-time.

User Input and Data Upload:

  • Incorporated a simple and intuitive data upload feature, allowing users to drag and drop files or select them from their device.

  • Designed user input fields where users can specify parameters and preferences for the data analysis.

Dynamic Data Visualization:

  • Integrated a variety of data visualization widgets, including bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and tables, to present insights effectively.

  • Ensured visualizations are dynamic and update automatically based on the uploaded data and user inputs.

The result is a powerful, user-friendly Visual GPT dashboard that transforms data into actionable insights through intuitive visualizations.

Transforming Ideas into Intuitive Designs
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