Button system

Button Design for Optimal User Experience

This guide explores key aspects of button design: hierarchy, modes, states, and size.

Hierarchy: A visual ranking system guiding users to the most important action.

  • Levels: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

  • Customization: Supports buttons with two, one, or zero icons.

Modes: Ensures buttons look great in both light and dark themes.

States: Provide clear feedback on button interactivity and function.

  • Examples: Default, Hover, Press/Active, Focused, Disabled, Success, Warning, Error

Size: Affects usability and aesthetics.

  • Options: Small (40px), Medium (48px), Large (56px)

  • Consideration: Screen size and context of use

Effective button design enhances user experience by creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

I designed a button system — a carefully thought-out and flexible system that provides an intuitive user experience in any interface.

  • 72 Buttons

  • The button is available in 3 sizes

  • The button is available in 3 levels

  • The button is available in 8 states

Light mode
Dark mode

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More by Anhelina Khomych UI/UX Designer

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