Tower Of Treachery - Game Concept
Tower of Treachery is a 4-player coop/versus dungeon crawler where each player collects powers and abilities on their journey, then fight at the end to obtain the loot and ultimate title of King of the Tower.
Abilities & Weapons
Regular Weapons
These weapons are usually the default for the character, with some of them having different abilities such as ice attacks, thorns, and invisible slashes.
Special Weapons
These alternative weapons are more varied, with claymores dealing more damage but slower attack speed & Daggers having faster attack speed while having shorter range.
These pick-ups have a host of different abilities, like extra money, stealing items from other players, walking on ice, etc.
Ranged Weapons
These weapons are utilized not for melee combat, with them having limited ammo and more variety in their attack styles.
Crushing Traps
Ah yes, the classic crushing trap, meant to fool only the beginners. Yep, it makes an appearance as one of the staple ways to harm players as an environmental hazard.
Spike Traps
Yet another classic. These spikes instead of coming out of the floor to hurt the player, they pop out of the wall, always at the most unexpected of moments.