Adorable Cat Logo Design and Motion for Cute Pets

The client requested a simple, intuitive logo featuring an adorable cat. The focus should be on cuteness and memorability, rather than elaborate design elements.

The primary color is green.

Additionally, they need a motion logo lasting around 6-7 seconds to insert into short videos on social media platforms.

✅ My solution is to design a circular logo, utilizing negative space to make the cat stand out. I incorporated light green on the cat's two ears to create depth.

For the eyes and mouth, I used curved lines to emphasize cuteness and charm. I also added three star shapes arranged in a circle around the cat, creating a playful collar effect.

Regarding the motion logo, since the client's main need is to insert it into short videos, I advised them to keep it under 3 seconds.

With my experience as a marketing manager, I understand social media well, along with the algorithms of these platforms. Viewers of short videos typically don't want to spend up to 7 seconds out of a 60-second video just to watch a brand logo. This can affect content distribution algorithms, leading to the client's video potentially flopping. What do you think about this?

Logo Design & Branding - UI/UX | "Live, Passion & Happy"


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