Steam Top Menu and Landing Page Redesign (Desktop + Mobile)

Hello everyone!

#UIX101 #Task 053 completed.

The task was to design a top menu. While doing my research, I noticed that #Steam hasn't undergone a design change in a while. There are too many elements on the page, and I realized that as a user, I use the search bar instead of browsing through pages to find the game I want. So, while I started with the top menu, I ended up designing the homepage as well.

AI (artificial intelligence) usage could simplify the #homepage elements. I decided to create a structure where we can get help from, an #AI. Users who use the search bar can be directed to the relevant page by writing their request to when they need support, are looking for a #game, or are looking for a #genre. This reduced the two-line menu to one line.

The current design features different visuals to showcase a game on the homepage. I will only show one video when designing. The user can watch the video with or without sound. I also rearranged the titles on the homepage to reflect the priority of the second #menu elements on the homepage.

Users may also want to see what they are looking for in the menus. I also placed some of the elements in the #footer for these users.

I'm eagerly waiting for your #feedback 🎮



P.S: All images were taken from

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