Pricing Page for WisdomCircle - Web and Mobile Designs

WisdomCircle is a hiring platform targeted towards experienced senior professionals. The talent available on this platform can boast tens of years of work experience.

When organization or recruiters list a role on WisdomCircle, the role is assigned a tier based on their requirements. Each tier offers features based on the needs we have observed in the past.

A recruiter can list multiple roles with different tiers. This makes the hiring process cost-efficient for them as they pay as much as the role requires.

Web View

Mobile View

Choosing a Plan

A plan or a tier is chosen by the recruiter when the listed role is ready to be published. As the recruiter clicks on "Publish", the platform opens a modal on web and a sheet on mobile, informing the recruiter the benefits and cost of each plan and offering them a way to learn more if they are interested. If they make a decision about the role tier and choose a specific tier, they are redirected to the checkout page.

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