Activity Management App

Hi everyone!

#UIX101 #047 task completed.

In this task, we were asked to design daily activity flow screens for a smartwatch.

I made a design based on the Apple Watch screen and designed an activity flow app that integrates with a phone app. Tasks are added to the app from the phone.

When the application is opened, the first thing you see is how many tasks there are and the current weather forecast.

Tasks are reminded from the smartwatch, task details can be viewed, and completed tasks can be marked. The circles arranged from top to bottom on the pages represent tasks. Each color represents a different task category. For example, orange represents work-related tasks, purple represents social activities, and so on.

The next activity and the time remaining for that activity are always visible on the screen. You can switch between tasks by swiping the page or turning the digital crown.


I hope you like it, you can share your feedback by commenting or sending a message📚

#uidesign #uxdesign  #UXDesign #DesignChallenge #UserInterface #UserExperience #prototyping #feedback  #dailyuichallenge  #portfolio  #dailyui #ui047  #apple #watch #smartwatch #activity #taskmanagement 

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