Music Band Poster Design

This project aimed to create a raw and energetic poster design that embodies the spirit of Nokaut, my favorite music band.

The key element? Their signature vibrant orange, used in a way that reflects their unapologetic sound.

The dominant color is a bold orange, Nokaut's signature shade. This color injects the poster with energy and reflects the band's passion.

The band's name, "Nokaut," is displayed prominently, utilizing a strong typeface that complements the orange color and paper tear effect.

Essential information about the band's upcoming gig, like date, venue, and any ticket details, is presented clearly amidst the textured background, ensuring it remains readable.

The overall design, with its bold color, textured effect, and strong typography, creates a visually arresting experience that grabs attention and invites music fans to Nokaut's performance.

Posted on Apr 13, 2024

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