Battlefield Hobbies - WooCommerce Store

Our client Battlefield Hobbies approached us for a redesign and rebuild of what was an already successful, but dated, fanatical WooCommerce hobby store.

You can view it here ๐Ÿ‘‰

Specialising in Wargaming, the old store looked dated and was clunky to navigate, and was limiting sales due to a poor shopping cart experience.

We worked closely with the owners to give them a design they would be proud to showcase at events and exhibitions, whilst simplifying the navigation, improving the shopping cart experience, and reducing the huge number of add-on's and plugins they were using.

Using WordPress, WooCommerce, and Elementor, and a whole bunch of custom designed templates, we were able to produce a website that not only functions quicker, looks amazing, but has seen a huge uptake in sales since it's launch, particularly of items they were not selling before!

With a variety of 'product zones' that the client can change on the home page and product pages, they can highlight new products, sale items, and hand-picked items they wish to push.

We loved this design and build.

We Design, Build, and Manage

Like what you see and want to work with us?

We specialise in Elementor design, build, and management.

Using our vast experience and processes (over 22 years), a sprinkling of bespoke code, plus our ever-growing library of purpose-built components, we produce high-quality websites for you and your clients.

But we are more than just a white-label service.

We help fellow creatives speed up productivity, create consistency, and learn from our experiences. We're launching our training community and component library so you can scale up or down your offering while learning our methods to improve your output vastly.

MEM Digital is a small but nimble UK and Remote team that brings the best talent to every project and achieves amazing results.

Book some time with Richard, co-founder and lead developer.


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