Drug Test Innocence Website Design
We are ready to unveil another project uncovering a social issue, which we made in collaboration with Zealous.
Here's a glance at the Drug Test Innocence.
With thoughtful arrangement of massive content and the power of visual storytelling, this online resource uncovers the devastating impact of inaccurate field drug tests, the largest source of wrongful arrests and convictions in the United States, and offers considerations and solutions on how to limit that impact.
Stay tuned to see more!
And her you can check a detailed design case study on Decriminalize Poverty, the previous award-winning project we made for Zealous.
If you want to collaborate, contact us via [email protected]
Also, welcome to check:
• the massive and growing collection of tubik design case studies
• the diverse collection of practical design articles in tubik blog
• the overview of the anatomy of a web page