Uber Eats Advertisement Graphic Design


Graphic Designer


Adobe Illustrator


This is a creative advertisement for a food delivery service. The concept revolves around a cheeky way of prompting users to envision ordering bowl of ramen noodles using a food delivery company.

When creating this poster, I wanted the text to contrast boldly with the rest of the imagery, but not compete with the visual element of the ramen bowl. To achieve this balance, I used a color that was not incorporated in the ramen bowl, and made the letters two dimensional without any further shading or gradient. I built the ramen bowl shape by shape, layer by layer, in high contrast to the text with numerous shadows, gradients and highlights that catch the eye while yielding to the main message of the poster. This was a successful execution because no color I used in the bowl has a saturation that outweighs the vibrancy of the text, limiting any competition between the two.

Below: the food delivery service poster

Below: A mockup of the poster on a dynamic advertising board in a metropolitan environment

Below: A mock up of the poster in static advertising frames on a wall

Below: A mockup of the poster on table advertising trifolds, to be used at restaurants or cafes

I loved the spunky attitude of this project and enjoyed leaning more into my drawing skills to execute the final look. I was able to become much more comfortable in Adobe Illustrator through the completion of the ramen bowl, and am proud of the end result. If I had to re-do this poster, I would revisit the main text and develop several alternative phrases, fonts or logos to act as other possible headers for the advertisement.

More by Abigail Friedel

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