Image Filler • Figma Plugin

The ImageFiller plugin simplifies the process of isolating layers with image fills and changing their scale modes in Figma. Inspired by the need to streamline the process of switching between fill, fit, crop, and tile modes, this plugin allows users to select image layers either from a specific selection or directly from the current page.

Once selected, users can easily apply their desired scale mode to all the images. Designed for efficiency and ease of use, ImageFiller aims to optimize workflow and enhance productivity for Figma designers.

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New features include:

  • Radio buttons for selecting scale modes

  • Apply button for confirming changes

  • Close button for easy plugin closure

In response to user feedback, we've introduced a new feature to address the challenges with precise positioning in CROP mode. We understand that managing image positions in CROP mode can sometimes be blurry and imprecise, requiring users to zoom in fully to ensure precise alignment with the edges. To alleviate this issue, the latest update offers a set of predefined positions for precise placement.

Crop Positions :

  • Top Left

  • Top Center

  • Top Right

  • Center Left

  • Center

  • Center Right

  • Bottom Left

  • Bottom Center

  • Bottom Right

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