Daily UI Challenge · #061 - #070

Explore my designs from the sixty-first to the seventieth, created as part of the Daily UI challenge! Every day, I take on the challenge of crafting a unique user interface, exploring a variety of concepts and styles. From minimalist to vibrant designs, these creations reflect my passion for UI/UX and my commitment to improving every day. Join me on this creative journey where each day brings new challenges and discoveries. Follow along on Behance for this captivating design adventure!

#DailyUI #UIDesign #UXDesign

Challenge #061​​​​​​​

Prompt: Redeem Coupon

Imagine that it's time for someone to redeem a coupon. 

It could be via an in person self-checkout screen or on a website. Think about the requirements of a coupon such as the discount percentage, the subtotal, total, and other unique features.

Always make it easy. The last thing people want to encounter is a complex interface that adds friction to the redemption process.

Challenge #062

Prompt: Sign Up Form

Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or anything you can image.

Challenge #063​​​​​​​

Prompt: Best Of

“Best of” lists can be used for featured news articles, “best of …” city magazines, top selling products, best selling books, etc. 

What's best, why, and how will you display it? 

Challenge #064

Prompt: User Selection

Create a modal, page, toggle, or some other element to represent the selection of a user profile. It could be inside a video app, managing multiple social media accounts, a video game, or something totally unique. 

Challenge #065

Prompt: Notes Widget

We all need to record a note at some point. Whether it's a full page document, a small shopping list, or a note inside of an app 

Create a widget to incorporate a notes feature.

Challenge #066

Prompt: Statistics

Applications used for finance, engineering, sports, and even video games have tons of statistics.

Design something to show off the top statistics. 

Challenge #067

Prompt: Hotel or Vacation Rental Booking

Create a website, listing page, or booking reservation UI for a vacation property. 

Consider extra elements: non-smoking rooms, security deposits, amenities, etc.

Challenge #068

Prompt: Flight Search

Design an app or website for either searching for flights or comparing options.

Consider the variables: one-way, roundtrip, or multi-stop flight? Baggage fees? Making a lot of data look simple isn't easy, but it's what your users will appreciate. Millions of people travel everyday so every little detail makes a difference. 

Challenge #069

Prompt: Trending

Create a trending list or feature. What's trending? Music, movies, stock prices, or something else? 

Think about if it'll be the main focus or a minimal element such as a scrolling banner or notification widget.

Challenge #070

Prompt: Event Listing

Design a feature or display for upcoming events. Concerts, workshops, summer camps, seminars, or other training events. Get creative with the purpose and style. 

Thanks for checking out my work! 

If you liked it, feel free to give it a thumbs up and hit that follow button to catch my latest designs. Cheers!

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