Ramadan Icon Set


A Ramadan icon set is a collection of graphical symbols designed specifically to represent various elements and concepts associated with the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. These icons are commonly used in digital and print media, websites, apps, and other design projects to convey themes related to Ramadan, such as fasting, prayer, charity, and celebration.


Religious Symbols: Icons representing key religious symbols and concepts associated with Ramadan, such as the crescent moon and star, mosques, Quran, prayer mats, and dates.

Prayer and Worship: Icons symbolizing prayer, worship, and spiritual reflection during Ramadan, such as hands raised in supplication, mosque domes, prayer beads (misbaha), and the call to prayer (Adhan).

Versatility: The icons are designed to be versatile and easily adaptable for various design purposes, such as social media posts, website banners, posters, greeting cards, and mobile apps.


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