Unikorns - Trademark

We decided to register our brand as a trademark.

Here is why.

In the world of design, where visuals speak louder than words, our name and reputation are the cornerstones of everything we do. As we navigate this colorful journey, it's crucial for us to ensure that our identity is safeguarded, not just in spirit but also by the letter of the law. This move is our way of wrapping our brand in a warm, legal embrace.

Our creations are more than just work. They're a piece of our soul. As we've grown, so has the visibility of our designs. And, with fame, comes the challenge of imitation. We've seen echoes of our designs and, at times, our brand identity out in the wild.

We're dreamers with big plans on the horizon. And in dreaming big, we also plan smart. Securing our trademark is like laying a safety net for our future adventures. It's an investment in our collective dreams, ensuring that as we soar, we do so with confidence and peace of mind.

The trend of using the "R" symbol in branding, often without the backing of legal registration, is a path we choose not to follow. We believe in authenticity and walking the talk. That's why we chose the path of genuine legal recognition, ensuring that when you see the Unikorns name, it's not just about creativity but also about trust and integrity.

After months of anticipation, akin to the changing seasons, our patience bore fruit. We're happy to announce that our trademark certificate is finally in our hands.

Here's to the next chapter in the land of Unikorns, where every design tells a story, and every story begins with a dream.

Unikorns® | Dare to be extraordinary

Let's talk: [email protected]

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Unikorns® Agency
Creative Design & Development Agency

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