Game On with Polygon by EPYC

Enhancing Gaming Experience through Polygon Blockchain Games

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Welcome to the world of GameOn by Polygon, a groundbreaking company that is shaping the future of gaming as we know it. GameOn introduces a revolutionary platform that harnesses the power of blockchain technology and the Polygon blockchain to create decentralized gaming experiences like never before. With GameOn, players can immerse themselves in a world where transparency, security, and ownership are at the forefront.

Primary Objective and Stakeholders' Expectations:

The project's primary objective was to highlight promoting Polygon blockchain games and improving engagement within the gaming community. The project focused on creating an interactive and visually appealing website to raise awareness and drive user engagement.


The stakeholders expected:

Cool Design - The stakeholders desired a visually appealing website that would resonate with the gaming community and reflect the exciting nature of the games.

Interactive and Animation-Heavy Website - The stakeholders wanted to incorporate interactive elements and animation throughout the website to enhance user engagement and create an immersive experience.

Excellent Mobile Experience - The stakeholders expected the website to be optimized for mobile devices, providing a seamless experience for users accessing it on their smartphones or tablets.

Challenges Faced:

Horizontal Scroll on Listing Page - The project faced a challenge in implementing a horizontal scroll on the listing page to showcase the games as cards. This required finding a solution that was both visually appealing and responsive.

Gamified Card Design - Creating a gamified experience using cards posed a challenge, as traditional rectangular cards did not align with the desired aesthetics. Incorporating images also proved difficult due to the need for responsiveness.

Success Metrics:

Total Visits Growth: One important success metric is the growth in total visits to the website. You can assess the website's ability to attract and retain visitors by tracking the total visits over time. In this case, the significant increase in total visits from 9.3k to 23.1k in just one month is a strong success metric indicating the website's ability to attract a larger audience.

Remarkable Engagement and Global Participation on Polygon's GameOn

Event Twitter Page:

The Twitter page created by Polygon for their GameOn event witnessed an extraordinary level of engagement and widespread participation. Users from across the globe showed immense love for the website, actively participating in the event and making it a resounding success.

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