Lead AI Researcher & Lead UX Designer at Siena College AI

During my tenure at the Siena College Institute for AI in Loudonville, NY, I served as the Lead AI Researcher and Lead UX Designer from December 2021 to May 2022. In this role, I collaborated closely with a computer science professor while overseeing a team of three, focusing on the CrisisFACTS research track under the Department of Defense's DARPA.

Our research involved the analysis of incident response Twitter data spanning the past 2-3 years. To enhance our capabilities, we developed pre-GPT Python ML models for temporal summarization, enabling the creation of AI-driven crisis event timelines and a user-friendly news-feed-style interface.

As the Lead UX Designer, I played a pivotal role in designing an intuitive location-based tweet display with customizable time and event radius settings, enhancing the user experience for effective data visualization. Additionally, I took the lead on NLP and Machine Learning research initiatives, presenting our team's findings to the AI department director. Through these efforts, I contributed significantly to the advancement of AI research and UX design within the institute.

Luke Ostrander
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