Fathom: Website Design, Mobile design, Branding

Mobile screens

In the company we always make design for screens from 2500px wide to 300px, also during QA testing we double-check the design many times on all browsers and screen sizes.

About the project

Many SaaS companies face the challenge of efficiently gathering critical user insights. Whirrly streamlines this process by automatically collecting and presenting key metrics essential for understanding your user's journey. Discover not only how long users engage with your product but also gain valuable feedback on their experience. Answer pivotal questions effortlessly: What do users truly think of your offering? Is the subscription model meeting their expectations? Equip your business with the insights needed to enhance user satisfaction and justify the value of your services.

Who are we?

Creative brand identity & UX UI design for SaaS products and inventors of the next internet. We are a skilled team at Qwy, a software development company specializing in shaping distinctive brand identities and delivering top-notch UX/UI designs for SaaS products and Startups.

We are open to new projects 💌 [email protected]

What was done

  • Research

  • UX/UI design

  • Illustrations

  • Front end development

  • Backend

What tools did we use?

  • Figma

  • Adobe Illustrator

Branding & UX UI design for SaaS products & Startups

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