Komporwangi - Perfume Brand Identity


Your service is absolutely great when clients trust you to handle their needs, even though they didn’t give you a certain brief. You might be so confused at first, but in the end you managed to satisfy the clients by giving wonderful designs!

Komporwangi at first was still vague about deciding the brand’s appearance, so they handed it over to Banni Studio, especially the color. When we asked them what color they wanted, they just said: “As long as it looks pretty and elegant.”

Then this is it! The result of Komporwangi’s logo and brand identity. What do you think? Isn’t it the time for you to upgrade your business?

Make it much awesome and attract more clients. Ready? Hit the link below right now!

✉️[email protected]



Banni Branding
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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