Information Architecture | Discovery

This document presents a comprehensive analysis of CRM application interfaces, utilizing a structured approach known as the Process Component Reference Model (PCRM).

The PCRM framework outlines the essential processes and tasks necessary for a bank to efficiently bring its products and services to market.

Our analysis delves into the PCRM framework, examining it across five distinct levels, with a detailed focus extending to the third level - the task level.

This meticulous approach enabled us to scrutinize each interface in depth, identifying specific tasks and thereby revealing instances of overlap across different systems and pinpointing missing tasks within certain systems that are crucial for our bankers' operations.

By identifying these redundancies and gaps, the report set the stage for in-depth discussions on Architecture and Technology.

It specifically addresses the need for integrating missing capabilities within our systems and explores the potential necessity for system migration or consolidation to enhance efficiency and streamline operations.

So what?

Moving forward, we outlined key challenges that require resolution, along with strategic design hypotheses and initial steps for the upcoming initiative.

We advocate for adopting a Human-Centered Design Approach to shape the future.

This involves developing detailed personas and high-fidelity prototypes for validation with bankers, alongside compiling an Experience Backlog filled with capability scenarios ready for technological development.

This strategy ensures that our solutions are not only technologically robust but also deeply aligned with the real needs and experiences of our users, laying a solid foundation for future enhancements.

*High level process information on the above can be found inside my portfolio


From the groundwork laid by the Information Architecture (IA) analysis, components have been developed to streamline future development efforts.

Moreover, this body of work emphasizes the critical importance of reusability as a fundamental principle for our Design System, ensuring it is a focal point during the Design phase.

Our findings were vast and varied and compiled into a single view report.

Vanessa Bodo
Welcome to my design portfolio

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