Better Days. A Modern Signature Font

"Better Days Script" consists of a fashionable sophisticated signature-style script with its own unique curves and an elegant inky flow. People usually use Better Days Font as an elegant touch and signature-like font.

Better Days font is very good to be used in any project where it needs handwriting taste:

photography, watermark, social media posts, advertisements, logos & branding, invitation, product designs, label, stationery, wedding designs, product packaging, special events or anything that need handwriting taste.


- Uppercase & Lowercase

- Punctuation & Other

- Alternates & Swash

- Ligatures

- Multilingual Support

To fully access the font's features, we recommend using programs that support OpenType features. This will allow you to access glyphs directly on the same panel without copy/pasting each glyph. Additionally, the OpenType panel allows you to turn on standard ligatures, which can automatically change letters for available ligatures.

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