Vizard visual identity + case study!

From a brand stand­point, Vizard’s com­peti­tors blend togeth­er in techy blues, gra­di­ents, and non­de­script sans serif type­faces. You could eas­i­ly research each com­peti­tor and strug­gle to remem­ber which is which; that meant an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for Vizard.

Play­ing into the moniker of Vizard, the logo­mark show­cas­es the mag­ic behind the brand’s capa­bil­i­ties. We explored a wand being the mag­i­cal touch that Vizard uses to refor­mat videos. These explo­rations focused on the phys­i­cal wand itself, along with the effects it conjured.

Full case study here: 👈


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