Tulungin - Charity Concert Website

Hi πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Check out my design exploration

Tulungin is a website for buying concert tickets and making donations to victims of natural disasters or people in need

Let me know what you think about this πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Challenge πŸ“

Create a website to channelize donations through music concerts that is visually appealing. Nowadays, many people are in need of help due to frequent natural disasters and accidents. They rely on our support to endure such hardships.

Target User πŸ‘₯

This website was created based on target users like this

User Persona

these are the user needs that I have obtained before creating this website

Design System 🎨

The following style guide was used to guide the design of this project

Full Page

The following is a high-fidelity iteration of the design, which builds on the previous step, where Old Rose was chosen as the primary color, white as the background, and the layout was laid out to exude a modern and professional appearance.


Concert Detail


You can see a prototype of this website here

So, are you interested in my UI design?

πŸ’Œ Email Us :Β [email protected]


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