Q&A Dribbble

I'm creating a new header for the Q&A blog post that I'm writing for this Friday. I want to share my iterations as I work and rework this sketch throughout the week.

This piece was inspired heavily by the Lettera 3 book cover along with some of the typeface styles found within. View the cover I referenced here: http://sumkin.opera78.com/img/lj/lettera/cover.jpg

After taking time to review the previous version of the sketch (attached) I found the layout lacking in structure. It didn't feel like it was going anywhere. Right now I'm working towards a rectangular container so that all of the organic shapes have a foundation to work within. This helps the eye find some resolution. At least it does for me. I'm also playing with how the letters can overlap for added effect.

I would love your feedback! I'll be posting updates later this week.

More by Drew Melton

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