CTASK - Project & Task Management Dashboard


CTASK is an integrated project and task management dashboard designed to streamline project planning, execution, task assignment, and collaboration for teams and organizations. Developed by a team of seasoned project managers and software engineers, CTASK aims to address the common challenges faced by modern businesses in managing both projects and individual tasks effectively.


  1. Fragmented Workflows: Many organizations struggle with fragmented workflows, using multiple tools and platforms for project management and task tracking, leading to inefficiencies and confusion.

  2. Lack of Transparency: Without a centralized dashboard, stakeholders often lack visibility into project statuses, task assignments, deadlines, and dependencies, leading to misunderstandings and delays.

  3. Ineffective Collaboration: Poor communication channels and siloed information hinder effective collaboration among team members, leading to bottlenecks and decreased productivity.


  1. Unified Project and Task Management: Develop a single dashboard where users can plan, execute, and track both projects and individual tasks, eliminating the need for multiple tools and platforms.

  2. Enhanced Visibility and Transparency: Provide stakeholders with real-time updates, progress reports, and visual representations of project statuses, task assignments, and deadlines to enhance transparency and accountability.

  3. Seamless Communication and Collaboration: Facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among team members through integrated messaging, file sharing, and task commenting among remote team members, leading to faster decision-making and improved project outcomes.

  4. Optimized Resource Allocation: Enable project managers to allocate resources efficiently, track project, real-time insights into task statuses, deadlines, and progress, enhancing accountability and transparency across projects and teams.

How We Solve the Problem

  1. Integrated Project and Task Dashboard: CTASK offers a unified dashboard interface where users can create, plan, and track both projects and individual tasks in one place, simplifying project and task management workflows.

  2. Real-Time Updates and Notifications: CTASK provides real-time updates and notifications to keep stakeholders informed about project statuses, task assignments, deadlines, and updates, fostering transparency and accountability.

  3. Collaborative Features: CTASK includes built-in messaging, file sharing, and task commenting features, enabling seamless communication and collaboration among team members within the platform.

  4. Visual Representations and Reports: CTASK allows users to generate visual representations and reports to analyze project and task performance, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions to optimize workflows and resource allocation.

  5. Integration with Third-Party Tools: CTASK seamlessly integrates with popular project management tools, calendars, and communication platforms, allowing users to leverage existing workflows and tools.


CTASK's integrated project and task management dashboard offers a comprehensive solution to the common challenges faced by organizations in managing projects and individual tasks effectively and efficiently. By providing users with a centralized platform for project and task management, enhanced visibility, seamless communication, and collaboration features, CTASK empowers organizations to optimize their workflows, improve productivity, and achieve better project and task outcomes.


High-Fidelity Design

📨 [email protected] | 🌐 caraka.io


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