Crown & W + A Logo

I wasn't familiar with what a property #concierge means.

But my process helped me dive quickly into the particularities of this #business category find good ideas for the project.Sometimes the difficulty of the #challenge is enough and you don't need to think about something else - which highlights the importance of a good #process.

If you already know what the next step is and how to tie it with the last one, then you just have to do the #work. And that makes things much easier, at least for me.

Here I made a #fusion between the initials of the brand name and a #crown. Actually, the crown in its' own is a 'W', while the middle part of the crown is the 'A'.

Is your process as important to you? Do you have one?


I don't just design logos. I design conversations.

If you want me to do that for you, contact me at: [email protected] !

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