Portfolio website for an artist-sculptor


Create a resource for presenting the personal brand of the sculptor and his works. Virtual art gallery. The project should be a corporate website with dynamic content - art gallery + news blog

The visual concept should reflect the meaning and style acceptable for the given topic with the peculiarities of the author’s individual presentation, like any author’s project.


Sculptor - artist Viktor Mosielev. The works were exhibited at the Indian Academy of Arts in Delhi and at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Since 1994, he has been an active participant in art exhibitions at various levels: regional, regional, all-Russian and international, in Art Week projects and the Biennale. Publications in catalogs and media


Enter your text here...Development of corporate style and project design, work with graphics, icons and effects.

Photo/video shooting, content processing

Working with meanings, texts and logic of a user script

Development of the user part of the site using the React Next framework

Creating a news blog and standardizing the news page template

Creation of a virtual art gallery for the presentation of sculptures

Implementation of a content management console and the Back-end part of the site on the Node.js Express framework

🌐Contacts and links to resources.🌐

🌐 Website 🌐

📞 Whatsapp - +7 989 240-08-97

✉️ Email - [email protected]

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