Nike App Product Page Redesign - UI/UX Concept πŸ‘Ÿ

The Nike app's product page,

Out of the entire app's intuitive and fun to use user interface, the product pages of most of their USPs have one of the most dull and lengthy user experience to flow through to end up ordering of a product πŸ˜ͺ

Here's the before.

What seems to be the issue here from a designer's perspective?

The UI design currently in deployment isn't on par with the type of experience a potential customer would want in today's time.

  • Clunky and Huge Elements

  • Long Scroll Rate to reach the actual elements of importance such as the "Add to Bag" button or "Select Size" button

and an overall uninspiring and outdated design for the present customer market

Here's the after I envision.

The fix ? πŸ€”

  • Easily reachable level 1 elements πŸ‘†πŸ»

  • Smaller fonts and all product information under a smaller scroll rate

  • Interactive, 3D-fied product image for more immersion and likeliness of a good conversion rate πŸ‘Ÿ

  • Share and Favorite buttons immediately accessible alongside the product image.

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And hey if you're come here from a link to review my work, hope this concept showed you my range of UI&UX/Product Design capability / Design Flow process alongside other work of mine!

Cheers !!

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