HelloTask - Get Instant Urban Household Help.

Connecting Blue-Collar Workers With Or Without Smartphones.

Currently based in Bangladesh, helping Dhaka households hire skilled domestic workers – reliable maids, cooks, and cleaners available on-demand or monthly.

Since 2017, Hellotask Platform Ltd. has been dedicated to connecting blue-collar workers to digital work platforms. Focusing on formalizing the lives of one billion domestic workers, especially those without smartphones or internet access, Hellotask has developed groundbreaking technology named Computer APA where APA means Any Phone Automation. In Bangladesh, where domestic work is the second-largest workforce, these individuals lacked formalized institutions, resulting in low wages and exclusion from GDP contributions. Hellotask emerged as the first platform addressing these issues.

Formerly, domestic workers navigated job searches independently, paying hefty commissions. Hellotask’s innovation solved connectivity problems, enabling workers to find jobs effortlessly. With the platform, they can undertake multiple tasks at 2x the hourly rate, fostering a dignified workplace with reduced harassment incidents. Payments through Mobile Financial Services (MFS) enhance financial inclusion, allowing workers to enter the banking system and cultivate savings habits.

Available in Play Store & App Store

Posted on Jan 25, 2024

More by ArghyaRaj Niloy

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