Little - A better way to give your child pocket money

Project Overview

Designing a digital experience for a smart money app used by kids and teens. It helps children build awareness and understanding of finance 

while giving their parents/guardians the necessary insights to manage 

and oversee their money habits.

Challenges & Constraints

As parents we never stop worrying about our kids.  Our instinct to provide and care is a constant priority.  We give our kids  money for school and to take care  of their basic needs. What if they spend on wants before  their needs? How do we get instant money to them?


To kickstart the project I had an extensive talk with the Co-Founder of Little, Henry Nnalue. He possesses years of experience in Finance and Educational Technology, engaging with Parents. He collected their backgrounds, obstacles, and objectives, which motivated him to develop "Little" – the "Smart money app for kids," with a well-defined concept and features.

We spent hours discussing the brief, concepts, creating a user story and mapping out the app flow to outline the main blockers and pain points of parents and kids.


Creating the Little App. An easy and convenient way to send money to your kids. Get instant notifications when they spend and low on cash.

Sign Up and Onboarding Flow

Designed the sign up and user onboarding flow to be as seamless as possible, whether the user creates an account as a parent or kid. 

They get a great digital experience.

Home Page

Came up with various concepts and iterations for the homepage design before arriving at the final results. This was as a result of change in scope and features.

Child Profile

Designed the child profile in a way to accommodate parents with multiple kids. 

On the child profile parents can easily access cool money features.

Debit Cards

Parents have the ability to order debit cards for their kids and also monitor their spendings by setting limits on how much they spend.


Parents can create an allowance system for their kids and also automate the payment process. This makes it easier for them to give their child money to spend and also reward them for their hard work.

Gift Links

Gift links are a fun way for friends and family to gift money to your child for special occasions or to help out with their allowance..

Marketing Website Design

Designing a marketing website to help promote the mobile app and also gain more leads and customers to sign up to the product.  Also worked on a landing page design for the in app shopping experience. 

Learnings & Challenges​​​​​​​

Finding the balance between groundbreaking and straightforward ideas proved to be quite the challenge. However, I learned to enjoy and take time with the design process when building this project from the ground up. Every aspect, from user flows to research and the distinctive design language, underwent numerous refinements before reaching the final product. Working in a startup requires wearing many hats, and I thank the developers for the challenges we overcame! Without a doubt, it was an immensely rewarding and enriching experience.

More by Oluwafemi Fashikun

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